Central Registration for Children Entering Kindergarten for the First Time - 2025/2026
Central Registration for Children Entering Kindergarten for the First Time - 2025/2026


Optimise schools' enrolment mechanism; simplify the steps for parents to enrol their children in kindergarten for the first time; enable parents to confirm the preferred schools as early as possible.


Macao residents aged 3 by 31 December, 2025, and will enrol in infant education in Macao for the first time. Note 1

Timeline (Year 2025)

iconNote 1: To enrol in schools in Macao, non-Macao residents must possess a stay or residence permit for over 90 days issued by the authorised entity of the Macao SAR.

iconNote 2: Before registration, please prepare the child's recent digital photo which meets the requirements.


Service hours of the DSEDJ counters

Date Location of the counters Service Hours
Between 6 and 16 January
& Between 7 and 30 April
(Monday to Friday)
Education and Youth Development Bureau Avenida de D. João IV, No. 7-9, 1 floor, Macao 9:00 a.m. – 6:30 p.m.
Between 6 and 16 January
& Between 7 and 30 April
(Monday to Friday)
Parenting Education Centre Rua de Bragança, Nova Taipa Garden, Lotes 24-26 r/c, Taipa 2:30 p.m. – 6:30 p.m.

For enquiries:8397 2309

Website: www.dsedj.gov.mo